What is white label content? (and how to offer it to your clients)

If you’re a creative, working at a fast-paced marketing, design, or web agency can be the perfect setting to harness your passion. But, it can also get pretty hectic a lot of the time. Working with different clients who have a wide variety of needs and demands can require a lot of juggling. 

And while an energetic environment may keep things exciting, it also means that things can evolve pretty quickly — including your client’s needs. 

If you’ve ever had a client who suddenly needs work that you don’t usually offer at your agency, you may feel a bit stuck. Of course, you want to do everything you can to make the client happy, but you also don’t want to stray too far outside of scope. 

So, what’s the solution?

Enter: white label content.

In this blog, we’ll look at what white label content is, why it can be extremely beneficial for your agency or freelance business, and how to make it a success. 

What is white label content?

Defined, white label content is any type of content creation in which copywriters provide written content for resellers to use for clients under their own brand and price point

This content usually takes the form of blogs, social posts, website copy — or really any other digital written copy you can think of.

Basically, white label content refers to working with other freelancers or third-party agencies to ghost-write content that will be published under your client’s own name/brand. 

Some agencies are open with clients about the fact that they’re working with an outside partner to create content. Others use third-party content creators without the client’s knowledge. This can help streamline communication between the agency and the client and avoid any potential confusion.

Whichever way an agency chooses to approach it, the goal remains the same: to increase their value to clients and build loyalty while keeping the agency/client relationships sustainable and profitable. 

What are the benefits of white label content?

The benefits of using white label content go much farther than just being able to give your clients exactly what they ask for. 

Let’s look at some of the other benefits for agencies:

Frees up valuable time

Writing great content is time-consuming — especially if it’s not your strong suit. Being able to hand that task off to a trusted partner who has a wealth of experience in creating quality content gives you back precious hours in the day. 

And because most third-party agencies who offer white label content manage the process for you, there’s very minimal effort on your part to get new projects started.

Helps you expand your resources (without hiring)

Speaking of time savings — working with a content partner who can help you with production, gives you the ability to easily scale, without hiring. 

Because you’ll have additional resources at your disposal, your bandwidth increases ten-fold. And because you’ll have the extra time-savings of not going through the hassles of hiring, you can scale quickly and efficiently. 

Gives you access to experts in a variety of fields and industries

women smiling while working from her laptop

Your clients are likely in a variety of different industries. Luckily, most white-label content agencies also have writers with exposure and experience in a wide variety of fields. 

Being able to hand-off your content creation to someone who is not only an expert content creator — but also in tune with your client’s industry — is really valuable.

(Take Scribly, for example, we have writers who are experts in fields all across the board from SaaS and digital marketing, to renewable energy and diversity and inclusion. Our clients have been able to take advantage of this broad expertise!) 

Supports you to retain your clients

We know that client retention will be at the top of your goals list. And that you’ll be going out of your to do whatever you can to maintain a positive relationship with your clients. Being able to add content marketing and creation as an additional service to your clients is a great way to keep clients onboard without having to send them elsewhere or hiring new staff to manage this service.

Plus, it means you can grow your wallet share with your clients and make them stickier, while retaining full ownership of the accounts. And, with a pay-as-you-go model you can profit from Day one.

Costs much less than hiring in-house staff 

This is a big one. In fact, one recent study showed that almost 27% of organizations say their biggest reason for outsourcing is to reduce costs. 

If you take into account the average salary for a content creator ranges between $35-$75K (not including the cost of hiring, providing benefits, equipment, etc.), it’s clear to see the value in hiring a third-party content partner. Especially since many content partners offer flexible payment plans, plus the fact that you can pay for content as and when you need it. 

Most white label content agencies price their services per-word delivered, which means you’re only paying for exactly what you need, without all the additional costs of bringing on a new staff member. 

Tips for getting the most value out of white label content 

All the benefits and perks of white label content can only work if you’re partnering with a trusted agency that knows what they’re doing and can deliver quality time after time.

Here are some important tips to help you get the most out of your white label content experience:

Give detailed direction about brand voice, tone, and client preferences

Working with a skilled writer is only half of the formula when it comes to producing great content. As an agency representing a client, it’s up to you to deliver detailed instructions in briefing documents.

Does your client prefer writing that includes humor? Do they like to keep things really formal? Is there a particular word, phrase, or competitor company they would like your writer to avoid mentioning at all costs?

The more you can tell your writers about who the client is, what their preferred brand voice and tone look like, and any other important key traits are extremely helpful. 

The more direction you can provide, the more likely the content will match up with the client’s expectations. 

Work with agile outsourcers who make the process simple

the benefits of white label content

Outsourcing your white label content marketing to a third-party is supposed to simplify things for your agency — not make them more complicated.

So, it’s important to work with an agency who is experienced, flexible, and able to make the outsourcing process as efficient as possible. 

Look for agencies who have stringent guidelines for their writers. Overall, you need to make sure the writers who get your project can easily follow directions, capture the brand’s tone, and write eloquently on the topic they’re given. 

When you speak with the white-label content provider, ask them about how they choose writers for their team and what types of processes they use internally to ensure that quality work is being delivered. 

The most important thing when it comes to working with a white label content service is that they can consistently, efficiently, and effectively deliver content that your clients find valuable. This will build trust between your agency and your clients, while simultaneously giving you all the benefits we mentioned above!

If you’re currently in the market for a long-term white label content provider you can trust, check out Scribly. Our team of experienced content strategists and creators would love to help you start adding even more value to your clients, while protecting your valuable time. 

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